Air conditioning door seal

Save on your energy bill & keep the heat and insects outside!

Why do I need a door sealant for my mobile air conditioner? 

When you use your mobile air conditioning during the hot days, you will have to deal with an air conditioning hose. It is inevitable that the hose will have to be removed and your door opened. This will result in warm air coming into your home. Now that is exactly what you want to avoid. There is also the additional disadvantage that insects can easily fly into your house. The solution is very simple!

The right door seal for your mobile air conditioner

To help you reduce your energy consumption and energy costs and to help you prevent the insects that want to enter your house, we have created seals in cooperation with our experts in different sizes and for different types of doors. This way you can always be sure to find a suitable seal for every door!


We offer various sizes of seals for the following types of doors:





 Selection tool

Don’t know yet which seal fits your window?
Our selection tool at the bottom of this page can help you make the right choice!

Are you thinking about an air conditioning system but you don’t have a mobile air conditioner yet?


Below we have listed some websites where you can find an air conditioner that meets your needs.



Buying a mobile air conditioner:

-> Option 1

-> Option 2


Would you like to rent a mobile air conditioner? That is also one of the possibilities:

-> Renting a mobile air conditioner



The benefits of air conditioning door sealing for you!

You will be saving on energy costs

Lagere Energiekosten

You will keep the heat outside


You will keep the insects outside


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which air conditioning seal fits your door
Thirza van der M.
Thirza van der M.16-07-2019
I have been bringing my mobile air conditioner out to work every spring for a few years now. It worked fine, but the energy costs could really be lower. About three and a half months ago, I got a mobile air conditioning seal for my sliding door, and now there are no more insects in the office and my energy bill is a lot lower!
Asma K.
Asma K.14-08-2019
Because of the heat in my nail salon, I bought an air conditioner with a hose. I ran into a problem with this. I had to open the window for the mobile hose. This meant that the heat from outside came back inside. After our telephone conversation, I used the selection tool to order the right seal to fit my window. I installed the seal 3 days ago. I used your step-by-step plan. My studio now feels much more pleasant and I even received a nice compliment from my customer this morning. She said that she found the temperature very pleasant. 🙂
Diederik de N.
Diederik de N.23-08-2019
Thank you for your advice! The insect screen works properly and the air conditioning deo gives my workplace a pleasant smell.

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